Floral Art Workshop by Pushpa Bitan

Floral Art Workshop by Pushpa BitanKamla Poddar Group, a leading name in career education, health & wellness and lifestyle, brings in yet another workshop on floral art, this time with an international flair. Organised by Pushpa Bitan Jaipur Chapter, an initiative of Kamla Poddar Group, & Ada, this two day workshop will bring in interesting floral art concepts for enthusiasts and floral professionals.

Floral Art Workshop by Pushpa BitanPushpa Bitan has been keenly active in bringing opportunities for enthusiasts and floral professionals to learn more about flowers and their arrangements since its inception. This time Renowned experts from UK based NAFAS (National Association of Flower Arranging Societies) have been invited to share special skills in traditional floral art.

Floral Art Workshop by Pushpa BitanOn 20th, there will be a special working demo by Valerie Best & Lesley Sturdy, qualified representatives of NAFAS, UK. Valerie Best, a NAFAS accredited National Judge, Adjudicator, Instructor & Assessor and Lesley Sturdy, a NAFAS accredited National Judge and Adjudicator, National Teacher and Moderator will conduct a ‘Traditional Floral Art’ workshop.

In continuation, on 21st February, Ms. Kavita Poddar, National Designer and President of Pushpa Bitan Friendship Society as well as Member of WAFA will host a workshop on ‘Out-of-the-Box’ floral art.

Floral Art Workshop by Pushpa BitanMs. Valerie Best and Ms. Lesley Sturdy have presented several talks and workshops at NAFAS courses. Regarding public speaking to be important at every level within the organisation, their role in NAFAS gave them an opportunity to spread their work around the world.

Ms. Kamla Poddar: “Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made. I feel that they are an integral part of mankind as they are capable of changing one’s mindset. We are glad to bring in a golden chance for Jaipurites to bloom in this freshness and learn artistic and professional way of arranging flowers.”

Ms. Kavita Poddar: “Flowers teach us to depend upon positivity, to be warm, compassionate and kind, to open up and fully embrace our uniqueness and to live and thrive regardless of the hardships. With this course of thought, this workshop is the first step of the journey yet to be fulfilled.”


Flower arranging clubs and societies banded together as the National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies in 1959. Opening up a whole new world of creativity, the association, since its inception has since been a unifying and guiding mainstay to thousands of men, women and juniors. NAFAS was also granted charitable status in recognition of its education activities in 1984. With over 65,000 members, it ranks among the most notable specialised National Associations.

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