Starting your own fashion label does not simply begins with joining a good college. As important is passion towards your work, and the right knowledge to execute it well, few tools can give you a fashion design boost like none other.
If your mind is wandering towards anything that is technology driven or requires the help of a robot, then it is time to get back to the basics. Because believe us or not, no fashion designer can succeed without the following tools:
-Scissors: A good pair of scissors are ones that are comfortable on your hands and are sharp to cut through anything. Never mix your scissors meant for paper/cardboard and fabrics respectively. Sharpen them and oil them regularly to keep them in a good spot.
-Tape measure, grading ruler, and dressmaker’s set square: A perfect dress fits to the body like a second skin, and the trick here is to measure it right. Look for a brand that you can rely on, and always have a few extras in case you misplace one.
Set square and a grading ruler are two other important things that help you square off the corners and lines, draw the darts, shoulder lines, etc.
-Pearl headpins: Easy to pick and easy to put on all kinds of fabrics, a designer cannot do without the pearl headpins.
-Sewing machine: No matter how big your set-up is, there are going to be times when you will have to stitch something on your own for the perfect look. Have one separately for yourself for times like such.
-Dress forms: Be it your client or your team members, you must keep few adjustable and stock size dress forms handy.
These tools make look simple to you, but if not carefully chosen, they can easily ruin a garment. So, the next time you think of enhancing your skill sets in the field of fashion, do not forget to maintain these tools to execute your ideas in the best possible way.