The Link between Architecture and Fashion

During that time the innovation changes and with it our way of life changes also. Numerous regions have been influenced by the innovation from multiple points of view, yet a portion of the keep the retro style that enables them to the movement before, in the present and later on.
In particular, the connection amongst architecture and design has never been more grounded. Those two controls have a genuine connection between them, which influences us to think diversely as creators. The form isn’t only for designers just, and architecture isn’t just for architects.
The relationship between fashion and architecture is not a particularly oblique one. Both are based on structure, shape and prettying up basic necessities – clothes and shelter.
The lists of things which can be explored in both the disciplines include:

1.Quality of Construction

It is not always appearing at first glance. Techniques such as folding, wrapping and draping are used in both lines of design. Most people can tell the difference between a badly stitched cloth and perfectly sewn cloth. The same is true when two identical houses were built side by side. But one consisted of shortcuts in the process which may lead to early damaging and on the other side second house was constructed by steady speed and was assembled carefully.


On the visual and symbolism approach, Architecture and Fashion have such huge numbers of basic things in material and advanced strategies, for example, cutting edge materials, malleable building materials, Computer Assisted Design programming and numerous different projects that have normal uses for architecture and fashion.
A log cabin would have a completely different feel if it were constructed out of glass and aluminium. An elegant evening gown would also create a completely different image if it were sewn with checked gingham fabric similar to a square dance skirt instead of soft silk.

3.Process of Design

The Concept is the same in both architecture and fashion because in both fields, the process of design in aim to invent an object which reach the expectations of the user to its real function. Usually in the process of design the briefing comes first, than the synthesis, solution, analysis, experimentation, constraints and at the end the designer get to the design. These steps all should happen parallel and together to get the best result. Design process can be known as an endless repetitive cycle. Both fashion designers and architects face the same design process in the field of design. Design process in the field of fashion design has started to get recorded, documented and validated as an acceptable and reasonable design. Design process in architecture was not only considered as the individual imagination, perception and expression; but it was the sum of pre-established information and knowledge which associated the architectural form with the spirit of Divine.

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